
Don't forget to checkout the branch:

git checkout 06-basic-game

Let's review what was changed: https://github.com/vleue/bevy_workshop/compare/05-intro-to-bevy..06-basic-game

Displaying the Ground

File spritesheet_ground.png has a spritesheet for the ground. Use it instead of the green box.


  • Add new fields to the GameAssets resource for the ground
  • The index is column * number_of_columns + line
  • You can use different sprites for the borders.

Player Sprite Animation

It should be flipped when changing direction, so that the sprite is facing the direction the player is movng. You can also animate the player while walking by changing the sprite displayed.


  • The Sprite component has a flip_x field
  • You can use a local step counter (adding a parameter mut steps: Local<u32>) in system control_player and changing every 10 steps if the player is moving
  • The Sprite component has a texture_atlas field that can be used to change the index
  • There are two sprites available in the spritesheet to display an animation when walking, with index 0 and 7.

Player Acceleration

Make the player accelerate and decelerate instead of directly changing it's position when a key is pressed.


  • Store the player current velocity and target velocity in a new component
  • When a key is pressed, change the target velocity accordingly
  • In a separate system, change the current velocity towards the target velocity
  • Move the player according to its current velocity